The Scientists Turned Science Into Another Dumb Religion


Although I do not suppose that either of us knows anything really beautiful and good, I am better off than he is – for he knows nothing, and thinks he knows. I neither know nor think I know.
— Socrates in "Apology" by Plato

The greatest religion of the new millennium:

Scientific Fundamentalism

In with the microscope, out with the candelabra

NOW RECRUITING: rationalists for our materialistic dogma

Spacetime was born with a bang, accidentally 

14 billion years of future’s past present (fundamentally)

Having all evolved from one warm puddle

In here, The Hard Problem still has us all befuddled

Accidental, though we all appear to be

Carbon & water turned into genetic memory

Fish, amphibians, mammals, then very small hominids

We don’t acknowledge Dashavatara 

(we give all credit to the Darwinists)

After consciousness formed our big, smart brains

We decided that must be where consciousness is made

In here, we deny where, how & why it’s felt

We deem unworthy the study of the experience its Self

You say the mechanics of life, love, art & beauty

Are projected onto the experiencer’s screen like a movie?

We think the experience knows what the experiencers don’t

The only way to know a man is to cut him open, head to toe

Dissect the body, the energy, the emotion & the mind

Dissect the water & the earth, dissect the air & fire

Immaterial things are a waste of our dissection of spacetime

It’s not our jobs to experience 

but to present our dissections of this life

If you wish to join us in here, you will be required to take

One humongous, un-ironic leap of faith

Consensus reality must be touched, heard or seen

We’ve made strict laws of this capricious belief

We’ve made constant all the universe’s inconsistencies

We’ve made permanence of all the world’s transient things

This mustn’t be that, here mustn’t be there

Speed of light appears constant (must be true everywhere)

So what if electrons are here & there at the same time

Our world is as hard as our own stubborn minds

So what if we’re hurling through space

(like an electron cloud)

Stop presenting obstacles - we have it all figured out!

So your body remembers your grandfather’s disease

Remembers his traumas, his looks & every breath he breathed

So we know there’s more memory in a single strand of DNA

But we’re certain all memories are stored in the brain

Yesterday & tomorrow mustn’t be tricks of the mind

Time is surely linear (our memories wouldn’t lie)

We memorized more facts than most memories will hold

Our memories are how we convince society to think that we know

If anyone attempts to know what cannot be seen

“Un-scientific!” she & he will be deemed

Her grant money will be abruptly taken away

Un-allegorically, she will be burned at the stake

We already categorized all life by taxonomy

The only way to know life is to classify its biology

Drawing certainties from the rubble of the past 


We already wrote the history of humanity’s odyssey 


If new ideas & new insights are your colloquy’s calling

Go join the useless idiots in the philosophy department

Anyone who attempts experiments in metaphysics or ontology

Will promptly be given a right brain lobotomy

The left brain hemisphere is the only one with a purpose

We use logic & deduction 

to discern the world’s inner workings

We dissect the earth just as we do human corpses

We supply government & business with brand new resources

We poke, prod, plunder & pillage every crevasse & crack

We present it to humanity as progress

(equipped with new existential facts)

The sun is a ball of gas & earth is an unconscious rock

Your sentience is an accidental physical phenomena

(or else your serotonin needs to be blocked)

“But all ideas come from the right brain hemisphere!”

Nope. All ideas come from deduction in here

“But even Einstein attributed his ideas to intuition!”

We refuse to acknowledge your woo-woo mysticism

“Why then, is there anything anywhere at all?”

Perhaps a rock in the multiverse had a great fall?

“Well, what motivates Being to keep on Being?”

Dissecting the touching & hearing & seeing

“But why does that cockroach have such a great will to live?”

Desire & will are immaterial & material is all there is!

“But there’s desire to BE in every grain of sand

Take your platonic panpsychism back to Never Never Land

“So what is the consensus on human emotion?”

Well, we put a drop of water on a slide

& now we know the whole ocean

Perception imprints on folds of the physical brain

If you experience anything outside of this

we deem you insane

“But doesn’t neuroscience repeatedly disprove

Cognitive behavioral un-scientific-folly-ology?”

Perhaps, but the magnificent miracle of the human mind

Must fit into preconceived notions of psychology

We made pills to regulate your emotions 

(in their physical, chemical form)

By comparing & contrasting you to societal norms

We created the paradigm of human health

Existential dread of materialistic nihilism can’t be seen

(so it mustn’t be felt)

“But that nihilistic paradigm is destroying Mother Earth!”

Just take your pills, shut your mouth & get back to work 

“But that paradigm pushes us further & further from truth!”

You’re fired! Earth is an object & so are you

If new things are discovered or new ideas come around

We’ll make sure your new insights & ideas can’t be found

We have our timeline, our paradigm, 

& we’ll tell you what’s real

Our consensus is the only reality

no matter what else you experience or feel

Our physics can talk, but our physicians won’t listen

None of our old paradigms will be faced with new resistance

We remain in one space, one time & one dimension

Our dogma won’t be entangled with spooky action at a distance

If you want creativity, join the artists, inventors & engineers

Only ONE empirical truth is allowed in here

In here, we use facts to deduce & deduce & deduce

We only believe physical data with physical proof

We don’t allow experiments on the nature of Being

Unless they involve touching, hearing & seeing

If you join us in here, you already know what’s in store

Leave your Spirit, your Soul & your Being at the door

We are the mainstream! No one else can compete

We monopolized truth & all else is belief

The human is a machine, just a fluke of fate

So we evolved larger lobes than the other, lesser apes

We know historically, truth comes from outside the tribe

Yet we base the old outsiders’ truths on our modern lies

We pretend we’re as certain as the gospel we preach

But we blaspheme science with every faithful leap

We’re academics! We make up the rules

Outsiders beware!

We’ll make the whole world believe you’re fools!

You can’t even get a job without a lifetime’s debt to us

& our institutions are the only ones the world trusts

You may think it irrational to treat human Beings this way

But we academics treat each other exactly the same

Disparaging polarities, tribalism, infighting & hate

We refuse to acknowledge that we’re all irrational animals

stuck within the illogical conundrum of time & space

We rationalists all claim to be led by the facts

“But tell a rationalist he’s wrong, & see how he reacts!

His emotions are what led him to the now & the here

With his illogical desires & his irrational fears”

“Science is a tool & one which cannot fail

But does anyone believe in a hammer or disbelieve a nail?”

We made science into doctrine & threw away the tool!

Our nihilistic materialism has indoctrinated every school

The greatest tool ever known to man

We homogenized into dogma..

to fit the world in a grain of sand

“Yes, science is the greatest of all God’s inventions

But the scientists turned it into another dumb religion”

Newton, by William Blake, trying to fit the world onto a 2D scroll

wHAT OUR SOCIETY REFERS TO AS THE “ENLIGHTENMENT" ERA, MYSTICS HAVE TERMED, “THE DARK AGE” OR KALI YUGA. smart people across the world will profess scientific certainties, and most of the people will become certain of those certainties. but the quest for truth begins with, I know nothing.